Sunday, 20 March 2022

List Of Aircraft Losses During The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

A detailed list of destroyed, damaged and captured aircraft, helicopters and unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) of both sides can be seen below. This list is constantly updated as additional footage becomes available.
This list only includes destroyed aerial assets of which photo or videographic evidence or pilot death notices are available. Therefore, the amount of destroyed and damaged aircraft is likely significantly higher than recorded here. Losses claims by fighterbomber, a Telegram channel operated by a Russian Air Force pilot, are also considered as sufficient evidence of Russian aerial losses. Russian aerial losses within Russia are only included when there is a reasonable suspicion that they are connected to the Russian war effort in Ukraine. Videos showing UAV shootdowns are not included in the list to avoid the listing of possible duplicates. Derelict and civilian aircraft, loitering munitionsand recon drones are also not included in this list.
(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual captured or destroyed aircraft)


Russia - 305, of which: destroyed: 253, damaged: 47, captured: 5


Combat Jets (118, of which destroyed: 107, damaged: 11)

Strategic Bombers (5, of which destroyed: 3, damaged: 2)

Command And Control Aircraft (5, of which destroyed: 4, damaged: 1)

Transport Aircraft (8, of which destroyed: 6, damaged: 2)

Helicopters (151, of which destroyed: 119, damaged: 30, captured: 2)

Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (18, of which destroyed: 14, damaged: 1, captured: 3)

    Ukraine - 183, of which: destroyed: 171, damaged: 7, captured: 5

    Combat Jets (91, of which destroyed: 87, damaged: 4)

    Jet Trainers (7, of which destroyed: 7)


    Transport Aircraft (4, of which destroyed: 3, captured: 1)

    Helicopters (52, of which destroyed: 46, damaged: 3, captured: 3)

    Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (29, of which destroyed: 28, captured: 1)

    Unknown - 2, of which: destroyed: 2

    Combat Aircraft (1, of which destroyed: 1)


    Helicopters (1, of which destroyed: 1)

    Special thanks to J.J., Alex, LotAThe Military Watch and Gerjon.