following list attempts to keep track of military equipment
delivered or pledged to Ukraine by Sweden during the Russian invasion of
Ukraine. The entries below are sorted by armament category (with a flag
denoting the country of origin), and due to the confidential nature of
some arms deliveries they can serve only as a lower bound to the total
volume delivered. This list is updated as further military support is uncovered.
on the equipment type or vehicle to get a picture)
Surface-To-Air Missiles (SAM) Systems
Subsystems Of The RBS 97 (I-HAWK) [To be delivered]
''Essential Parts'' Of The IRIS-T SLS [To be delivered]
Rb 99 (AIM-120) Air-To-Air Missiles [To be delivered] (Sold the US, then donated to Ukraine. For NASAMS)
Self-Propelled Guns (8)
8 155mm Archer Artillery Systems [To be delivered]
Tanks (10)
10 Strv 122s (Leopard 2A5s) (Equipped with the Barracuda Thermal Camouflage System) [July 2023]
Infantry Fighting Vehicles (50+)
50+ CV9040Cs (Equipped with the Barracuda Thermal Camouflage System) [June 2023]
Engineering Vehicles And Equipment
Mine-Clearance Equipment [Delivered from late 2022 onwards]
Bärgningsbandvagn 90 Armoured Recovery Vehicles (Equipped with the Barracuda Thermal Camouflage System) [June 2023]
Transport Vehicles [To be delivered]
Surface-To-Surface Missiles
Robotsystem 17 Shore Defense Systems (Hellfire) [Before October 2022]
PS-90 Air Surveillance Radars [Before April 2023]
Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) And Missiles
Robotsystem 70s (RBS-70s) [Febraury or March 2022]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
RBS-56 BILLs [Before March 2023]
Robot 57s (NLAWs) [Late 2022]
Portable Anti-Tank Weaponry
15.000+ Pansarskott m/86s (AT-4s) [March, April and June 2022]
Recoilless Rifles [To be delivered]
Small Arms
Automatgevär 90 Anti-Materiel Rifles (Barrett M82A1s) [Mid-2022]
''Assault Rifles'' [2023]
''Ksp-58 General-Purpose Machine Guns [Before September 2022]
€43 Million Worth Of 155mm Artillery Rounds [September 2022]
12.7mm Rounds For Automatgevär 90 Anti-Materiel Rifles [Mid-2022]
Ammunition For Recoilless Rifles [Summer 2023]
40mm Ammunition For CV9040 [Delivered from June 2023 onwards]
120mm Ammunition For Strv 122 [Delivered from July 2023 onwards]
Military Clothing And Gear
5029 HJALM M90 Helmets [March and April 2022]
5054 Kroppsskydd 12 Combat Vests [March and April 2022]
54 Protective And Reconnaissance Vests [After April 2022]
88 AlphaTec Chemical Protective Suits [After April 2022]
8000 Respirators [After April 2022]
Miscellaneous Equipment
135.000+ Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [Delivered from March 2022 onwards]
Spare Parts For CV9040 [To be delivered]
Spare Parts For Strv 122 [To be delivered]
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